Intentions > Transfer and Disappearance II
Intentions > Transfer and Disappearance II explores the failure in identity representation as means of protest; the emergence of non-dualistic, ancestral realities in the folds of the cutting-edge technologies, and the profoundly false public-ness of public space. It addresses the fictitious neutrality of data and its mixture with our bodies. Deceptively “cold” and “objective”, data becomes Public Space in a way of vertical penetration, where our mental spaces are seized, enraptured, or excluded.
“Power would no longer be dealing simply with legal subjects over whom the ultimate dominion was death, but with living beings, and the mastery it would be able to exercise over them would have to be applied at the level of life itself; it was the taking charge of life, more than the threat of death, that gave power its access even to the body.” –Michel Foucault