The Descendants. Saturn Devouring His Children, 2016
Animation, Installation
If we are the games our children will program one day, can we influence the code they are writing?
The Descendants. Saturn Devouring His Children
I drew many animals and piles of bodies. Countless images of war. Then the animals became something else. First it was the Hamelin Piper, who became the “herder” of ambiguous 3D animals. Then Cassandra, the one who has the power to foresee, but is completely powerless (as no one believes her). Then I saw Medusa as the multi-tentacled Propaganda turning her head around, glaring against her own gaze. Then Narcissus, surrounded by drowning animals; Prometheus Herding Piggooses; then Saturn. Saturn devouring his descendants—us devouring our children.
Playing with a paradox, I imagine us as being created by our descendants (humans or cyborg), and ask: If we are the games our children will program one day, can we influence the code they are writing? Can we pull the particles of another reality into this one? Could we contaminate this reality with something else?