Global Mode > @ Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving
Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfeminism i n 2021
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Exhibition Description:
UUU (Unbounded Unleashed Unforgiving: Reconsidering Cyberfmeinism i n 2021) i s a virtual exhibition made i n collaboration with New Art City, the College Art Association, and the New Media Caucus, and is ccurated by Mel Clemmons and Liss LaFleur.
UUU attempts to understand and reclaim cyberfeminism nearly 30 years after the Matrix Cyberfeminist Manifesto for the 21st Century first oozed into our collective consciousness. Instead of focusing on cyberfeminism from a historical perspective, this international group exhibition explores the multiple ways artists and scholars are actively engaging i n contemporary methods of cyberfeminism as practice today.
Through new digital tools – like web VR, 3D objects, avatars, social media performativity, manifestos, and worldbuilding – selected works question the significant intersection of #feminism, #thebody, and #technology.